Designing Sound Futures is a York University funded research project focusing on sound, technology, inclusive design, and transdisciplinary learning.

The CMST Synth Club

The CMST Synth Club (Marcella, Thumlert, and Nolan, with CMST Instructor Ofield Willaims) is a community-led project taking place at the Community Music Schools of Toronto that explores opportunities for transdisciplinary and inclusive learning through understanding sound synthesis principles, music making, soundwork composition, and authentic media production and community performance. 

CMST Synth Club is a community-led project led by CMST director and DSF team member, Dr. Richard Marsella, with Thumlert and Nolan. Ofield Williams leads the instruction and performance events. This project benefits from hardware, curriculum and instructor training delivered through a previous York grant (Helen Carswell Engaged Research in the Arts; Thumlert, PI; Nolan co-PI) and is moving forward into new research questions about participation and rethinking music/sound learning through culturally responsive learning aims and EDI lenses.

Making sounds with synths

Designing Sound Futures was made possible by a York University Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters (CIRC) Grant and the support of our many academic, community and industry partners.
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