Quad Clock Distributor
The clock distributor is your tempo control module – with 4 independent outputs that can be used to ‘trigger’ other modules, or synchronize your instruments so they all play in time with each other.
Use the TAP button to tap in a tempo of your liking. Then use the Divider/Multiplier knob(s) to speed up or slow down the rhythm (trigger rate) for each of the four outputs. Each channel has an LED light that will blink every time a trigger is generated.
When the Div/Mult knob is at 12:00, it will play the tempo you tapped in. Turn the knob to the right and you can multiply the speed while still staying ‘in time’ (e.g., 16th notes, 32nd notes speeds). Turn the knob left (counterclockwise) and you can slow down (divide) the tempo.
Use the Clock Distributor for multiple functions, including 1) triggering MATHS to generate an envelope sound shape 2) trigger the rate of an LFO 3) ‘pinging’ a filter or other modulation inputs on different modules.
SYNCH: You can also use the Quad Clock Distributor as the main clock for controlling the speed of the Korg Sequencer. Just patch the main OUT jack (next to the TAP button) to the SYNC INPUT of the sequencer. You can also use any of the 4 output channels to control the sequencer as well.