Designing Sound Futures is a York University funded research project focusing on sound, technology, inclusive design, and transdisciplinary learning.

Follow the Cables

 Follow the Cables (Khorsandi*, Baljko, Nolan, Thumlert, Chan*, Engstrom*) is an interface useability study that examines questions about instrument interface design, tool/system usability, patching process, and tool functionality (objective properties) in relation to context and purposes of tool use, and affective/subjective perceptions. This work examines HCI variables in relation to disability, access and inclusion, as well as critiques principles/shortcomings of Universal Design ideologies. This work is being led by RAs Khorsandi*, Chan*, Engstrom*).

Designing Sound Futures was made possible by a York University Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters (CIRC) Grant and the support of our many academic, community and industry partners.
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